Saturday, May 14, 2011

Moments and Memories

Life sometimes is bitter sweet
No one tells you how difficult times can be
No one can prepare you for the surprises, for the trials, for joys, for the sadness
All we can do is believe in the future
Having hope and faith that everything will work out in the end
Enjoying the moments and the people we share them with
Having no regrets when we look back at the kind of life we led
And forgiving ourselves for missed opportunities and chances

Life sometimes cannot be explained
Time cannot be made up
Hours, minutes and seconds pass with no way in recovering them
But the memories and the moments live on forever
The ability to recall is a blessing that is sometimes taken for granted
People who have come and gone from our lives are never really gone
Our memories keep them alive in our hearts
And following their great example keeps them a part of our lives

Words cannot express the peace and happiness felt, knowing that we will see those who have gone before us again
Knowing that we will have a second chance of getting to know and appreciating them better
No one knows how long they have on this earth
No one can really know where life is going to lead them in the next five years, in the next day or even in the next hour
But we do know where we will be when our time is done
That there is a life and home waiting for us after we die

I am so grateful to have that knowledge
I am so grateful that I have the support from my Father in Heaven and Savior
I am so grateful for the peace of mind and heart that I have felt today
I am so grateful that I have such an amazing grandpa who supported me in everything I did
I am so grateful for the memories and moments I have/had with him
I am so grateful that I will be able to see him again and be able to tell him how much I love him
I am so grateful that I will have another angel looking out for me and
I am so grateful that I have the truth of the gospel in my life and have the knowledge of the plan of salvation

I do not know where life will take me in a year or five years from now
Or what I will experience as I go through this life
But I do know that I will cherish every moment, every memory and every person that is in or will come into my life and enjoy it.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Well lads and gents you can now call me an aunt to the fourth degree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep two more babes are on the way and get this, they are both due thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!! CRAZY!!!!

Yeah it's a big deal

That is all.