Monday, March 26, 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012


There is nothing better in life than spontaneous activities and long drives with the windows down, while blasting feel good music. Life is too short not to take a break from the routine and just live a little.

I hope my future is filled to the brim with spontaneous trips/activities and long drives. Those are the times I remember and cherish the most. Like 1 in the morning hot chocolate runs, last minutes trip to St. George to watch the basketball game, cramming 8 people into a small car just to go watch the sunset on the hill, taking the long way home just to be able to listen/sing to feel good music. The list can go on and on.

Not only can they be done anytime but also they can be shared with anyone. May we all be able to have a little bit of spontaneity and take the long way home once in a while because life is good.