Sunday, October 30, 2011

My LIttLe BuTterCuP

Well Halloween is here and what is it without the classic Harbertson's Halloween party at Kristen's and Scott's house. This year we went all out with Sean's brilliant idea of being the Three Amigos and made our own customs-DI clothes, pirate hats, elmer's glue and a ton of glitter. Unfortunately we didn't have a camera so I only have a few pictures to post and you should all feel bad you don't get to see our lovely dance and Three Amigo chant or whatever it is called.

If I ever get more pictures or videos I will update it but no promises

OK also no judging on some of the pictures, they are what they are:)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Red Rover

So I heard I really cool analogy today and I wanted to share it but in my own way

Think back to grade school and all the fun times at recess you had playing sports, tag, hopscotch, jump rope etc.

Now do you remember playing red rover and wishing with all your might that you would be picked to run across the void and smash through the other lines gripping arms?
Or maybe the times when you thought your hands would fall off because of how tight you were gripping someone else hand, hoping that if they chose you to run through that you would be strong enough to stop them and in turn have them join your team...

Ok now think of all the times you have thought to yourself that you are fighting a loosing battle, that there are too many forces working against you and that your side is too small to withstand the pressures of the world.

Have you got those in your mind?

Now over lap the memories of the red rover game and all those doubtful times and see where things line up.

Just like in the game of red rover, it doesn't matter what side is longer or shorter. What matters is which side is stronger and can hold the line.
Are we strong enough to break through the opposing line's gripping hands
Are we strong enough to withhold the opposing line's offensive attacks

We must stand firm with those who share our beliefs, our values and our faith
We must hold the line, grasping firm to one another, sharing strength, power, giving all we can and then some
We must stand up to the longer opposing line, trusting that our strength will be sufficient enough to help protect us and to help add to our own line as we show those who may attack us, who we are, what we are made of and what we believe in.

Though the world's line may be longer, it is growing weaker as its people have less to stand for, to fight for, to live for

Join the shorter, but stronger side. Hold firm to your values, your morals, your faith
And though you may be weaker in some areas, just know that the savior is right there, holding your hand, making up the difference
We will continue to be strengthen as all as we Stand firm, Hold firm and Remain firm....continue to....

Hold the Line