Saturday, November 23, 2013

A TImE tO gIVe THaNks

In the spirit of Thanksgiving and the Christmas season coming up, I would like to share a couple of thoughts that have been going through my mind. The thoughts are these, why can't we just remember to be grateful for what we are giving, whether it be circumstance, material, personality, family, etc. Life is too short to get caught up in all the nit picky, unimportant things of life and forget to love and find joy in everything and everyone.
The world is evil enough as it is, and so it doesn't need us to progress that evil by holding grudges, talking bad about someone behind their back, or thinking we are better than someone else. What it needs is us finding the joys in everyday life, in the relationships that we have and strengthening those that may be lacking in some areas. It needs more selfless love, charity, service, kindness and a willingness to make our priorities those things that really matter. The things that can't be bought, sold, or given to us by the world.
As we put the Lord first and serve those around us, even those who we think did us wrong, we will find joy. And through that joy we can start to understand the plan for us and gain wisdom to share with others. Wisdom comes with time, challenges and everyday life. To quote a phrase by  E.S. Bouton, "True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of each day as it goes by." It is my hope that we can all put our grudges, misgivings, and everything else that is keeping us from wisdom and joy, and learn to love completely, to maybe grow up a little and finally understand what the Savior meant about having charity.