Tuesday, April 17, 2012


It is amazing to think about all the small little miracles that happen in our lives
Whether it be a text or phone call from a friend just at the right moment
Or a hitting all the green lights because you are late for an appointment
And today was a day where I had one of those little miracles happen
And I tell you what, it was a good little miracle

This week is finals week, bleh
And with finals comes stress, lack of sleep, and a lot of slurpee runs
Well this year, finals also came with frustration
You see, you would think that studying like 12 hours for one test would count for something
As it turns out studying is a crock and there is no point to it (said with all the bitterness I can muster)
Cue the little miracle

Well I applied again for the Jerusalem study abroad, since I didn't get in the first time, about a month ago
And the answer was suppose to come, at the latest, yesterday
Days prior to yesterday=no answer
Yesterday=no answer
No answer=frustration and exasperation 

Now not having an answer and a terrible test that went horribly wrong, my day was pretty much ruined
But the Lord always has our backs (funny how often we forget that)
About two hours after getting out of that terribly horrible test, I got a call from my family
My answer had come
And it is good one
A really good
So good in fact it has cause this terribly horrible day to become one of wonderful excitement
I got in!!!! 

A wonderful answer, that was a day late and on a very depressing day, coincidence? I think not 
I will always remember that the Lord is looking out for me
And has little miracles planned throughout my life to show me that He loves and cares about me

Now bring on an Adventure of a lifetime, that will hopefully change my life for the better!!