Saturday, January 28, 2012

ThE BoOK YEt to Be FiNIshEd

Life is like an untitled book

There is no title because the end is not yet reached and we still do not know the complete meaning

With each new chapter comes the conclusion of one adventure and the beginning of another

New characters, new goals, new accomplishments, new trials

There is love, heart ache, passion, there is everything that is needed to make a good story

The story of life is something not to be taken lightly

It can change as suddenly as the turning of a page

Once written it cannot be rewritten but the plot can be changed

The ending is what is chosen by the writer

It is in their hands to become who they want to be

Do what they want to do

See what they want to see

It is in their hands to have this untitled work of art be noticed and worthy of remembrance

Or to have it be cast aside without a second glance

No matter what kind of story life is right now, whether horror, comedy, romance or adventure

The ending is what matters and is what can be controlled

The question is what kind of ending will it be

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Is

So I am one who really like quotes and when I find a really good I tend to get attached to it until another good one comes along. Well couple of nights ago I finally got the opportunity to watch The Help, without having to spend a fortune to see it. What an amazing show. It still blows me away to think that people were treated that way and that other people felt that is was ok. Some of the women in that show I just wanted to smack. But I digress. The quote that I am now attached to is the one said by Aibileen to the daughter of that one lady, of which I do not remember her name. It is "I is smart, I is kind, I is important.

Now I don't know about you but I find that the person I am most hard on is myself. And sometimes it gets really annoying and I end up saying "Aliseea, you idiot" but as you can imagine that really doesn't help. So now instead of saying/thinking putdowns to make myself feel good about myself (ironic I know) I shall now say this to myself "I is smart, I is kind, I is important."

Oh the power of positive thinking. I think I finally found The Secret......bad joke I know but I cracked myself up and at the moment that is all I am going for

Oh also remember.....Life is Good!