Sunday, March 31, 2013

HaPPy eaSTeRS!

What an incredible day to reflect on my life this past year. I can't begin to tell you how incredible it is to now be able to vision Jerusalem and all the amazing sights today.
I feel that we sometimes don't celebrate Easter the way it is suppose to be celebrated. Yes the easter egg hunts and candy and baskets are all fun but this day deserves more than that. It is a day to seriously reflect on the Atonement of Christ, His death and His resurrection. Without this weekend we would not be able to enjoy this life that we are given. We would be in a constant state sorrow trying to deal with all the sins and mistakes we have made. Though it is incredible to be able to now have a picture of Jerusalem in my mind I can honestly testify that it did not give me a testimony of my savior. It has been the experiences of comfort, of forgiveness, of joy, of prayerful nights, of taking that step into the unknown with just a morsel of faith. We don't have to see to know that this church is true, that Jesus is the Savior, that we can have hope for the future and can conquer whatever trial that may come our way. I know that my Savior lived, that He Atoned for me, that He died for me and that He was resurrected and now lives for me. I know that I will be able to see and return to Him and my Father in Heaven again. I know that I am loved and can accomplish anything as long as I am following his example as closely as I can, trying my hardest to be the best that I can be.
I know that not many read this but for those who do know that I love you, that I look up to you and that I draw strength from you. Happy Easter.
Hopefully the link works

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